Tips To Prevent Relapse In Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis occurs when a patient experiences both an alcohol or drug problem alongside a mental disorder. Drug or alcohol issues tend to occur with certain mental illnesses. Among them are depression, personality disorders, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders.

Recovery can be a difficult journey, and risk of relapse is high. The best chance of preventing relapse is obtaining proper rehabilitation at a treatment facility that is equipped to properly address both mental and substance abuse problems simultaneously, such as Summit Behavioral Health.

Incorrectly Dealing with Your Mental Illnesses

Some people struggling with both a substance abuse problem and mental illness use drugs and/or alcohol to self-medicate an existing mental illness. Using these substances may temporarily minimize mental illness symptoms, but never treat them properly, and generally makes the mental illness much worse. Other people develop mental illness from excessive substance abuse over time.

At Summit Behavioral Health, our counselors treat dual diagnosis by addressing both problems simultaneously.

Rehabilitation and Personalized Addiction Therapy

At Summit Behavioral Health, patients receive integrated treatment. Rehabilitation makes patients focus on why they actually use alcohol or drugs. Summit patients can discuss these issues confidentially, without fear of negative consequence. Our counselors offer information regarding how drugs and alcohol interact with mental illness, while having patients participate in addiction therapies. These personalized therapies can improve mental and physical quality of life while giving patients the strength to not relapse.

Staying Positive During Recovery

Following the first stage of rehabilitation, Summit patients often require additional mental consistency to maintain abstinence from alcohol and drugs. Patients must keep their mind focused on the big picture, have a positive attitude, and maintain inner strength. This positive thinking is key to relapse prevention.

Tips to Prevent Relapse

Temptation is everywhere. What’s important is your response.

  • Make sure to keep appointments with your Summit counselors
  • Do not stop taking your medication
  • Remain at your current residence unless the environment proves too difficult
  • Maintain employment
  • Keep company with other sober people

The initial months of recovery are the most difficult. Take it one step at a time and keep a solid support system at your back.

Keeping a Strong Support System to Prevent Relapse

A strong support system is paramount to relapse prevention. Support systems may include supportive and sober peers, family members, and your Summit counselors. The choice is up to you! Communicate. The more your support system understands your struggle, the higher the chances of a lasting recovery.

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